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LBCI Daily News Reports Covering the IDC 2017 Summit

The Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International came from Beirut especially to cover the entire IDC 2017 summit through daily news reports, Live coverage and special features interviewing our IDC management and staff, U.S. Representatives and members,…

LBCI Special Report on IDC Summit

The Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International Leads the Political scene in the Middle East with its prime time political talk show “Kalam Ennas” ( Talk of the people). In a special episode of Kalam Ennas covering…

MTV Lebanon Reports Covering IDC 2017 Summit

MTV Lebanon covered in their prime time news the entire IDC 2017 summit, in daily news reports throughout the entire week of the summit, interviewing Representatives, IDC Staff and members who have attended from all…

Oxford Human Rights Hub: Lest We Forget About Iraqi Christians

ollowing UN Security Council Resolution 2379 establishing the Investigative Team in Iraq, the painful and arduous task of assembling evidence to bring Daesh fighters responsible for genocide against religious minorities in Iraq to justice will…

Crux: Unique Lebanon shows why refugees need safe zones in Syria

Most of the attention at the In Defense of Christians (IDC) summit on Christian persecution in Washington on Wednesday surrounded Vice President Mike Pence’s announcement that the U.S. would redirect funds targeted to help persecuted Christians…

VOA: Armenian Service Interviews IDC Executive Director Philippe Nassif

VOA Armenian Service Interviews IDC Executive Director Philippe Nassif on the 1 Year Anniversary for the U.S. Recognition of ISIS Genocide. English Article here: “All of these Yazidis, all of these Christians, all of…