For millennia, the Middle East has been a diverse tapestry of faiths, ethnicities, languages, and ideas.  For centuries, the indigenous Christians and their rich cultural heritage have served to bridge cultural divides between the East and West.  The preservation of Christians in the Middle East is essential to maintaining stability, peace and progress in the greater region.  But today, due to steady and intense persecution, these Christian communities face an existential threat in the very cradle of Christianity.

For two millennia, Mid-East Christians have been stuck in the middle—no seat at the table—no one to speak on their behalf.  IDC speaks—and fights—on their behalf.

Our Vision

IDC envisions a Middle East in which the dignity and security of all people and communities are protected and respected, regardless of religious creed or ethnicity; a Middle East in which the ancient and diverse Christian communities are allowed to coexist and thrive peacefully in their native home.

Our Mission

IDC’s mission is to ensure the protection and preservation of Christian communities, and the Christian heritage and culture, in the Middle East, the birth place of Christianity.

How We Work

IDC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan institute of the Institute on Religion & Democracy, a 501(c)(3) organization.  IDC works to accomplish its advocacy mission through a three-prong approach:

  • Policy & Government Relations
  • Public Affairs & Media
  • Education & Training