Washington, D.C.) In Defense of Christians Executive Director Kirsten Evans made the following statement:
“Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims, family, and friends of the 50 innocent people who lost their lives and the over 53 more who were seriously injured in the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida today. Omar Mateen, a 29 year old U.S. citizen and Florida resident, announced his allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call minutes before opening fire in the Orlando night club.
“Attacks against innocent civilians by ISIS cells in territories outside of the Islamic State are becoming increasingly more frequent. It is a suffering endured by people of all walks of life, people of all faiths and people of no faith at all.
“Until the problem of the ideological and financial sources of this violent extremism is addressed adequately by the international community, these attacks will continue, leaving the destruction of innocent lives in its wake.
“IDC stands in solidarity with all victims of violent extremism and calls upon the international community to work unceasingly to address the root causes and sources that allow its deadly ideology to be proliferated throughout the world.
“We offer our prayers for victims and family members of those who lost their lives this day, and for a full recovered of all the injured.”